A list of resources that have aided me in my journey are documented below. Use them at your own risk…I have not used all suppliers here. If you have any additions just let me know!
National Parts Depot (The best vintage mustang parts supplier)
Dead Nuts On (Very concours correct / specific parts – mostly covers big block / shelby cars but some 351C parts)
Midlife Harness Restorations (Restoration of original wiring harnesses)
ChockoStang (Brake / Steering Parts, Known for steering box rebuilds)
Power Brake Booster Exchange Inc (Well know brake booster rebuilder)
The Horn Works (Car Horn Restoration)
Vintage Mustang Forums (The best forum for vintage mustangs. Great advice, tips, and people!)
Concours Mustang Forums (The place for all your concours related questions)
Brad Albrecht’s Mustang Projects (Multiple mustangs documented)
Night Mission Boss 302 (Unbelievable attention to detail. Believe Sven has moved onto IG for posts)