Again this occurred in early 2022.
Prior to sending the shell out for metalwork, I knew that I would need to purchase several parts. As the supply chain challenges of late 2021 / early 2022 reared their ugly head, I decided to pull the trigger in an effort to avoid any big sourcing issues. This lead to several expensive purchases from CJ Pony Parts, National Parts Depot, and CARiD.
I had earlier (2019?) sourced new wheelhouses (L/R) and a new original ford tooling hood. These were purchased as part of Mustang Unlimited’s going out of business sale. The hood was an especially good deal. I think shipped it cost something like $450. I bought it at the right time too as the CEO of NPD, Rick Schmidt, noted that the tooling was going to be “recycled” and they (National Parts Depot) bought the remaining stock of original tooling hoods.

This time (2022) I purchased a new one piece floor, new L/R Quarter Panels (Dynacorn), and a new Dynacorn Trunk Lid. I also bought trunk floor pieces, a taillight panel, and the gas tank / trunk floor cross member. The other pieces purchased were the battery apron for the engine bay and the L/R toe board pieces (between the floor and firewall).

As you will see in the next update…these were all packed up in a truck and sent out with the body to aid in the restoration.