The Teardown Begins

[The events documented here happened at various points between Spring of 2017 and Summer of 2018.]

Once the car had found it’s new home, it was time to begin working on it. As there were no illusions that nothing less than a full restoration was required, the first order of business was to completely strip the car of every piece, part, nut and bolt in order to prepare it for a rotisserie. This began in earnest with the disassembly and removal of the interior. The front seats, being big, bulky, and in the way of just about everything else…were the first to go. Rubber plugs on the floor pan were removed to access the mounting bolts and out they came. Following this, the center console and rear seat were then tackled so that the carpet could be removed. Removal of the rear seat and inspection under it gave the first indication that this Mach 1 had served as a home to some critters at some point in it’s life.


With the center console out, the carpet could be removed. The carpet was removed along with the original carpet underlayment. As this was in rather ratty shape and quite dirty…the decision was made to not save it as it would not be reused. But not before it was all laid out so a picture could be taken to capture it as it originally was. In the future, this will be replaced with a more modern sound deadening/insulator.

Keeping my fingers crossed during this removal proved fruitful. As once the carpet was removed the factory build sheet was located. Unfortunately it is in VERY bad shape and any disturbance or movement caused flakes and chunks of the page to fall apart. I am not sure if it can be saved…but very cool to have.

At the end of this work…a small pile of parts had appeared. I can now officially say that the restoration has begun!

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